Forced feminization hypnosis has helped me not only with the way I look but also the way I think as a woman with lots of feminine, girly clothes. Unfortunately I have just been through a cycle of having a full female wardrobe; purging and discarding everything, and then starting all over again. So what is this all about?
Dressing as a woman with forced feminization hypnosis? I do this is only in private and it makes me feel good, in a way which I can’t rationalise. I love the look at all those lovely clothes, the ribbons and stockings, the lacy underwear and the tightness of a corset; the feel of hair caressing my shoulders. All those things are almost a drug. But, and it is a big but, this is a secret that I carry with me. A big part of me wants to have a full, loving and open relationship with a woman.
Cross dressing and forced feminization hypnosis is something that I think no woman would accept in their partner (in spite of the stories one reads). I have grown-up children, wonderful children, and I would hate for them to know about this side of my personality. I would be terribly ashamed. And I have phases when I think “Come on Katie, this is stupid. You are too old to dress as though you were a sexy young woman. You are just making yourself ridiculous.”
When I reach a conclusion that it must stop, I just dispose of everything. Sometimes I am tempted to keep something that has been difficult to obtain or which I know I would not be able to replace, but then I tell myself that I will not be replacing it anyway, so everything goes. I think I have probably done that at least four times. And then I feel free; that guilty secret is no more. If I have an accident, or fall under a bus and one of my family has to come into my house to sort things out for me, they will not run across the accoutrements of a cross dresser and all my forced feminization hypnosis mp3’s.
So then, everything is fine; until the next time I start to feel that I would like to feel something soft and smooth against my skin and listen to forced feminization hypnosis transformations.
The internet works both ways. It doesn’t help if one wants to give up because there is so much available material such as the wonderful website of Forced Feminization Hypnosis but it does help to enable those fantasies because it makes it so easy to anonymously buy corsets and wigs etc. Living alone allows me to spend times on the internet reading stories and looking at pictures which are based on cross dressing and forced feminization hypnosis that may be a trigger to restart those desires. But we can’t switch off the internet and we can’t switch off our fantasies and fantasies are accelerated with forced feminization hypnosis.
Forced Feminization Hypnosis Addict – Miss Katie
Forced Feminization Hypnosis
Dressing as a woman with forced feminization hypnosis? I do this is only in private and it makes me feel good, in a way which I can’t rationalise. I love the look at all those lovely clothes, the ribbons and stockings, the lacy underwear and the tightness of a corset; the feel of hair caressing my shoulders. All those things are almost a drug. But, and it is a big but, this is a secret that I carry with me. A big part of me wants to have a full, loving and open relationship with a woman.
Cross dressing and forced feminization hypnosis is something that I think no woman would accept in their partner (in spite of the stories one reads). I have grown-up children, wonderful children, and I would hate for them to know about this side of my personality. I would be terribly ashamed. And I have phases when I think “Come on Katie, this is stupid. You are too old to dress as though you were a sexy young woman. You are just making yourself ridiculous.”
From time to time, if I have family or other visitors coming to stay, I have to pack my femme clothes away. And then often it takes a while to get everything out of the loft again and I think “Can I be bothered to open the cases up and resume dressing”; but once it starts, it is compulsive just like the forced feminization hypnosis.
When I reach a conclusion that it must stop, I just dispose of everything. Sometimes I am tempted to keep something that has been difficult to obtain or which I know I would not be able to replace, but then I tell myself that I will not be replacing it anyway, so everything goes. I think I have probably done that at least four times. And then I feel free; that guilty secret is no more. If I have an accident, or fall under a bus and one of my family has to come into my house to sort things out for me, they will not run across the accoutrements of a cross dresser and all my forced feminization hypnosis mp3’s.
So then, everything is fine; until the next time I start to feel that I would like to feel something soft and smooth against my skin and listen to forced feminization hypnosis transformations.
The internet works both ways. It doesn’t help if one wants to give up because there is so much available material such as the wonderful website of Forced Feminization Hypnosis but it does help to enable those fantasies because it makes it so easy to anonymously buy corsets and wigs etc. Living alone allows me to spend times on the internet reading stories and looking at pictures which are based on cross dressing and forced feminization hypnosis that may be a trigger to restart those desires. But we can’t switch off the internet and we can’t switch off our fantasies and fantasies are accelerated with forced feminization hypnosis.
Forced Feminization Hypnosis Addict – Miss Katie
Forced Feminization Hypnosis